
近年來,隨著國內眾多城市的土地市場火 熱,房地產行業(yè)對人才的需求超過了以往。在這種情況下,房地產行業(yè)人才在哪兒找?專門為房地產企業(yè)輸送人才的獵頭公司又能起到什么作用呢
In recent years, with the domestic many urban land market fire heat, the real estate industry demand for talent more than ever. In this case, the real estate industry talents where can I find? Specifically for real estate enterprises conveying talents headhunting company, can have what effect?
   北京獵頭公司:http://www.shandonglietou.com行業(yè)蓬勃發(fā)展 成房地產行業(yè)“血庫”
Jinan headhunter industry booming real estate industry "blood bank"?
In China, the development trend of headhunting industry equally striking, reason is that the search market became the real estate industry's "blood bank". Quite a number of real estate enterprises have new recruitment plan, some hope of treatment and salary change of high-end talent is grasping the opportunity to prepare.?
Facing the situation of domestic real estate industry are thirsty, many head-hunting companies deploy soldiers character, grasp the talent information, hope to share, while headhunters get the biggest favor. Jinan headhunting company is domestic only a headhunter specialized in real estate agency.?
In dealing with many domestic real estate enterprises at the same time, the company not only gradually accumulated rich experience in executive search, and build a set of unique advisory service system, the real talent without having eye bole to explore. Now, jinan headhunting company to act as their most certainly need the bole.?
獵頭學院 企業(yè)服務
服務流程 熱點職位
  • 2000年在北京注冊成立并開展獵頭業(yè)務
  • 《中國十佳獵頭服務企業(yè)》
  • 公司主要負責人曾任多家著名跨國公司HRD
  • 有超過百萬份不同行業(yè)的高級人才信息
  • 有北京市頒發(fā)的《職業(yè)中介許可資格證書》
  • 獲國際獵頭協會《優(yōu)質獵頭服務資質證書》
  • 中國人才交流協會理事會員單位
冀ICP備12011606號 灵丘县| 修文县| 庆云县| 茶陵县| 基隆市| 湛江市| 南江县| 当阳市| 陆河县| 潼南县| 章丘市| 连州市| 峡江县| 东光县| 阿图什市| 江山市| 晋城| 宁波市| 青海省| 庆阳市| 高阳县| 华容县| 嵊州市| 长丰县| 陇西县| 闽侯县| 宿州市| 石嘴山市| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 洛隆县| 都兰县| 常德市| 福安市| 中卫市| 汝南县| 巴楚县| 如东县| 会宁县| 宜宾县| 墨江| 奉化市|